Workout Magazine - Studio Chiesa Communication


Steellife is the first international contemporary art exhibition dedicated to steel and its masterful interpreters, the artists, curated by art critic Elisabetta Pozzetti and conceived by Studio Chiesa.

The exceptional nature of the exhibition, set up at the Triennale in Milan in 2009, coincides with the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Marcegaglia group, a leader in Europe and worldwide in the transformation of steel.

Eight artists measured themselves against the raw material, while a team of communication professionals conceived, curated, organized and promoted the event from the project concept to the realization of thematic meetings.

Acciaio Vivo, as dynamic and constantly evolving has been the approach to the project: Studio Chiesa has been engaged from the concept and organizational management, through the choice and the invitation of the artists, to the operational support in the realization of the works involving technicians, engineers and craftsmen in the verification of the feasibility of the proposals. He conceived, designed and defined all the communication tools, from the brand and its declinations to all the information material and the catalog.
He also designed and built the setting and the moments of encounter: Vernissage, theme nights, meetings with the artists open to the public.

Download the Steellife brochure!

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