Marcegaglia Plates

Branding and communication for a leader in sheet metal for railways

In line with the corporate strategies developed for the Marcegaglia group, we defined the image of Marcegaglia Plates, one of the world’s leading players in the production of quarto plates, through a branding activity consistent with the group’s communication, starting with the naming and brand design. We took on the challenge of supporting an important industrial reality which, being upstream in the production chain in the primary processing stage of hot-rolled steel, addresses prestigious counterparts in the industrial world of shipbuilding, large infrastructures, industrial plant engineering, ecology with supplies for the energy sector and wind power in particular. We have outlined the communication strategy using digital tools, such as a website and an app, developing multilingual content development optimised in terms of SEO and constant social media management and email marketing. In order to enhance the brand identity, we created corporate literature with brochures, catalogues and institutional tools (letterheads, business cards, forms, signage).

We continue to support the presence of Marcegaglia Plates at events and trade fairs, in the meetings and conferences’ organisation, completing the partnership with the design of product publishing, sampling and gadgets, corporate videos and digital presentations.


Marcegaglia Plates, Gruppo Marcegaglia



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