Marcegaglia 60th
Workout Magazine - Studio Chiesa Communication

Marcegaglia 60th

Concept and communication tools for a big company occasion

To mark the occasion of Marcegaglia’s 60th anniversary, we created a concept that would be both celebratory and a moment for employees to share an experience. In this way it was possible to promote and consolidate the perception of the social value that the company has built throughout its history, offering the opportunity to share and amplify the company’s know-how.

First and foremost, Marcegaglia 60 became the theme of the activities organised for employees, as well as a graphic brand used for internal and external corporate communication. We also organised the great event “Una giornata da Leoni” [“A Day for Lionhearts”], in the protected oasis of Albarella Island: an entire day dedicated to employees and their families, where they took part in sports, games and shared experiences. To consolidate the relationship with stakeholders in the sector, we organised a talk with an aperitif at the event entitled “Marcegaglia 60”, which was included in the Made in Steel 2019 exhibition programme, to tell and share the company’s current and future visions.

Marcegaglia’s anniversary celebrations were also a great opportunity to consolidate the long partnership that binds us to the Group, with which we share the passion and appreciation for people.



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