Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus
Workout Magazine - Studio Chiesa Communication

Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus is an institution established in 2010 by the Marcegaglia family. Founded by sharing the spirit and sensitivity that have always characterised the company, it has brought an entrepreneurial approach to the third sector, supporting numerous projects and initiatives both nationally and internationally with a particular focus on the world of women.

After designing and creating the logo, we drew up guidelines to define a brand identity in order to communicate on various channels with a coherent and effective corporate literature. In order to give visibility to the non-profit organisation’s projects, we created a website that would also be a means of information and an incentive to support the various initiatives.

The visuals and communication tools were created with art direction and design to give a coherent and distinctive image.

At the same time, we created a combination of supporting publishing tools to convey the value of the Foundation’s projects at events and conferences.

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